HOW and WHERE to find Salvage Boats for Sale

Scroll down to find relevant and updated links for finding salvage boats for sale. Most repo sales and especially salvage yachts are transported to places you wouldn't at first suspect. This is what makes them difficult to find. The links below should give you a head start.
I've remained persistent since salvaged boats can render incredible opportunities to buying boats, boat parts and/or boat equipment. It's not uncommon at boat or yacht salvage auctions to find vessels for pennies on the dollar, prices as much as 80-90% off retail.
Salvaged boats are very difficult to find especially if you're not familiar with where to search. So, I first think it necessary to quickly explain the conditions that lead you to where and how you can ultimately find salvage boats for sale near you.
When a boat exposed to a marine peril (whether it is derelict, abandoned or has simply been temporarily left),under such circumstances, such a boat may be salvaged by a boat salvor, i.e. one who salvages boats.
The salvor in this instance is not a trespasser and may proceed to assist such a boat, and if successful ask for a reasonable claim or "award" for his boat salvage. The salvor who remains in possession is not bound to surrender the salvaged boat on demand to the owner until reasonable security has been provided for his claim.
In most instances like the above, the general rule is that the salvor may retain possession of a salvaged boat until either the owner posts adequate security or it is established that he will not. The salvor must, in the former case, release the boat to the owner or, in the latter case, turn the salvage boat over to the U.S. Marshal and proceed to foreclose his lien.
If the owner fails to appear or make suitable arrangements to pay the salvage award, the salvor may bid his judgment at the U.S. Marshal's sale (USMS) and obtain clear title to the vessel.
An underated and often overlooked auction source for salvaged boats are the USMS locations across the U.S.
According the U.S. Marshalls Service, More than 8,400 valuable items of forfeited, seized, or salvaged assets are sold annually with gross sales of $97 million.
The property up for bid at these sales auctions consists of residential, commercial real estate, Land, business establishments, financial instruments and a wide range of personal property such as motor vehicles, BOATS, aircraft, jewelry, art, antiques, and collectibles.
Only contract service providers and select federal agencies areauthorized to sell forfeited property for the USMS on a recurring basis from time to time and at appointed locations.
An updated list of service providers and agencies that manage U.S. Marshall sales auctions can be found at
Not only will you find US Marshall sales but again you get access to Government auctions, Boat repo sales, police auctions, and other regional and local auctions as well.
You should find the following links helpful towards finding Salvage Boats for Sale
I can say with authority that Boat Auctions Direct
is the quickest way locate and bid on
salvage boats for sale
via. USMS, police, and bank auctions.
Up until now I used to wade through 'Google'. They miss 90% of the boat yards really out there. Whereas drills down and locates boat salvaged sources as well as repo companies by state.
As a current member, I have saved tons of time locating Bank, distressed owner, and Gov't and Police seized assets as well at local, state and Federal agency auctions.
Notice! All DIY's
is a reputable resource for all you boat DIY's. We're getting surprisingly good reviews on these boat building plans. Daniel Holden is an architect and boat builder for 20 years and as of today 8/2010 released 220 of his DIY boat plans for dirt cheap.
You can build anything from a small dory to you're own fishing or sail boat. Real quality plans that will work for any skill level.
hosts one of the largest recreational vehicle and boat salvage sale auction sites in the tri-state area. Register online to bid on boats, pontoons, and other personal watercrafts.
allows me to find a wide array local Gov't agency sources related to about every conceivable asset. Find cars, suv's, antiques, computers, cheap boat equipment, parts, motors, accessories, etc. Although not a deep resource as Boat Auctions Direct it covers a broader asset base.
has combined recovery, storage services with an online auction database for salvaged items that will provide something for everyone. Buyers acquire 24/7 access to view and bid on a constantly-updated inventory of vehicles while losing the long drive and hours wasted waiting for a particular vehicle to come up.
Specializing in salvage boats for Sale and Liquidation via. special online bidding process. Ammsale deals with boat recovery, salvage, disposal, liquidation, surveys, auctions and maritime legal assistance
is a boat towing and marine salvage company based in Rhode Island. They offer boat towing and salvage services to recreational boaters in Rhode Island Sound, Block Island Sound and Narragansett Bay. Good source for salvage boats on sale.
Specializes in various assets including salvage boats for sale that have been associated with a casualty. The casualties can be related to water, fire, theft or some form of collision. All of the assets are sold through a sealed-bid sale method, meaning that all bids received are kept private and certain conditions apply to them. Located in
Old Saybrook, Connecticut.
You may also find additional links by skipping over to our
damaged boats for sale
page. Here you'll find links to finding and assessing the value of any damaged boat.
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